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Contact Pages

Each contact in SET has its own dedicated page, with the purpose of this page being to store all information relevant to the contact in one place, making your data clear and easily accessible.

Contact Details

The contact details widget contains the basic contact information you will need the most. You can also click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of this widget to edit the contact.

Contact details


Here you can view all of the tags you have attached to your contact. To edit, remove or add tags, you must edit the contact, by clicking on the pencil icon in the Contact Details widget.

Contacts tags

Personal Addresses

This widget stores the addresses for contacts. This should be used for personal addresses rather than an office address, as a business address would be stored within the organisation page.

Contacts personal addresses

This widget stores the GDPR data attached to the contact.

Contact consent


The Activities widget stores all upcoming activities attached the the contact in question. Here you can use the yellow “+” button to create a new activity in the contact, or edit each activity individually.

Contacts activities

Activity History

The Activity History widget contains all completed or cancelled activities related to the contact. It is always worth looking through this section prior to any call or meeting with the contact, to make sure you know what has been previously discussed with the contact and keep yourself up to date.

Contacts activity history


This widget can be used to add a new note to the contact, or review all notes attached to the record. Once a new note is created, this can be edited or deleted at any time.

Contacts notes

Organisation Data

This widget allows you to preview the Organisation that the contact in questions works for, what their position is at the business, and any colleague information you may have stored in SET.

contacts organisation

Updated on September 29, 2020

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