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Opportunity Pages

An Opportunity represents a sale or lead in your business. You can attach Opportunities to relevant Contacts and Organisations in SET, as well as adding any items or services (and their assigned prices) to this lead.

Each Opportunity has their own Opportunity page, which is detailed below.

Opportunity Details

This widget contains the standard data for the Opportunity. You can edit your Opportunity by clicking on the pencil icon in the top right corner of this widget.

Opportunity details



Tag the opportunity for reporting and insight. To add or remove tags from your Opportunity, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the Opportunity Details widget.

Opportunity tags


As in your Contact and Organisation pages, Activities can be attached to your Opportunities. A new Activity can be created by clicking on the yellow “+” button in this widget.

Opportunity activities

Activity History

This widget displays any completed or cancelled Activities which are attached to your Opportunity.

Opportunity activities

Opportunity Description

The Opportunity Details can be used to add any notes or important information related to your sale.

Opportunity description

Opportunity Products

This widget allows you to preview the Products you have attached to your Opportunity. You can edit this by clicking on the pencil in the top right corner of this widget.

Opportunity products


As in any other record page, files can be imported into the system and attached to your Opportunity. To attach a file, click on the yellow “+” button in the top right corner of this widget, and select a file from your device.

Opportunity files

Opportunity Notes

To add a note to your Opportunity, click on the yellow “+” button in the top right corner of the widget, type in your notes and click “Save”. You can go back and edit or remove notes at any time.

Opportunity notes


Updated on October 1, 2020

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